I keep seeing The Sunday Currently blog entry from
different bloggers all over the net, I was wondering why they have the same
content on their blog post then, I came across with the real owner of the
made-up link. Well, anyway I’ve thought about joining the bandwagon, so here is
my first ever Sunday Currently.
Room for My Pretend Love by Mei Summer, it is a Wattpad
romance series. I started reading this one, two weeks ago, and haven’t continue
reading it again since then. I was just so busy these past few weeks so I
hardly get any free time to read. Hopefully I will finish reading it before the
month ends, well, hopefully (fingers
My first ever Sunday
Currently blog entry! Happy reading! J
Endless Love by Lionel
Richie and Diana Ross, a classic soul love song.
About those random
things that can possibly happen to me on the next days. I’m so tried that my
thoughts are blur and disarray, I really need time to rest.
The menthol scent of
the Chinese inhaler for my clogged nose.
For a good days and a
good weeks ahead!
To have now my monthly
period before the month ends, I sometimes have an abnormal menstrual cycle
which worries me a lot.
A loose blouse, maong
jeans and a pair of red sneakers. Still deciding where I would go with these
outfit. Haha!
The songs that I am
listening right now. These past few days the music genres that I’ve been
listening to suddenly changed; from those bumpy beats songs, I opted to listen
to some mellow, smooth rhythms and melody songs after I heard Kaye Cal’s
rendition of Why Can’t it be.
A VACATION at least 3-5
days vacation with some friends to relax, have a good rest and also, to
loosen up a bit for the stresses that I got from my work. Whether it will be in
the beach, or flower gardens or elsewhere away from the stresses and pressures
that I currently feel.
A 12 hours straight
time of sleep, (no kidding) I really need a loooooooooong hours time to a have
a very good night sleep. Because every morning when I wake up to prepare to go
to work, I woke up as a sleepyhead.
Weary, I have some
colds to deal with that’s why I find it difficult to breath with some clogged
nose. And the reason why I keep smelling/ inhaling the menthol scent of this
Chinese inhaler. It makes me feel better, I tried to drink as many fluids as I
can, but it never wears off, I think I really need some rest for this colds to
leave me alone.
There you have it, my first ever Sunday Currently blog post. I hope you are all
having a peaceful and wonderful Sunday ahead. Godspeed everyone!
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