I thought that graduating from college would be the most wonderful thing that could ever happen to an individual’s life. Because this is the point where in you are free to do what you want, you are free from the stress that you would get in school. And you would not be worrying about what would be tomorrow’s lesson; you would not be stressed out on studying and memorizing facts, reading and familiarizing your topic that will be discussed tomorrow. You will not be burned out on making your reports and demos. You are FREE! I am FREE!
I am free from all the
stress that I can possibly get in school. I am free so that means I can party hard
all night, and day and I can also do this:
HAHA! Just kidding. But
when the time passes by, my life as a free bird suddenly becomes tiring and
boring. I don’t know what’s happening to me that time that I suddenly misses
school, I also misses doing some school project and some school stuff. And then
it hit me. I needed a job to make myself a productive one. To survived this
cruel and humiliating world. Survival of the fittest kumbaga. I seek, and then sa awa naman ng diyos, I found one, that was early days of July
2017. At first, I was excited, and at the same time edgy.
And lately, it’s like I’ve
been in a one-hell-of-a-roller coaster-ride. There are so many things that I did
not expect to happen in my life. I also experience different types of pains. The
pain of being humiliated, the pain of ALMOST losing someone you love, the pain
of being broke, the pain of having a toothache (HAHA! Just kidding) but no seriously.
And as time passes by, I came to a point that I am not happy with what is
happening to my life now. I feel like there is something missing, something
that I really wanted to do and fulfill. And up until now, I am still wondering
what that missing piece is or shall I say pieces – that are missing. It came to
a point that I got tired; I got tired of dealing these issues that I don’t even
know where I can find some answers, I got tired of overthinking things.
There are so many
things that I wanted to do. I wanted to take a break even just for a short
period of time. I wanted to be free from all the stresses and issues that I am
dealing right now. I just want to unwind, de-stress, pamper myself, read good
books, write poems, short stories and novels, see some beautiful and
breathtaking places, witness some magnificent and astonishing events,
appreciate some ravishing and beauteous cultures. I just want to do things that
will make my heart satisfy. Is it too much to ask for a little space from the
chaotic world? Find the answers of the issues that I’m dealing with and solve
the missing puzzle pieces of my life.
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